If you are a business, you have only 24 hours to respond to a customer who has contacted you via WhatsApp. This is a big issue if your company doesn't work 7 days a week, like most people. So, how can you deal with this issue?
The workflow
The workflow we would like to see would be something like this:
- User sends a WhatsApp message out of business hours, for example on Saturday or Sunday
- User receives a notification saying no one is available for to answer at that moment
- Agent checks those conversations on Monday
- Agent executes a macro to reopen those conversations
- User receives a notification saying that you are ready to continue with the conversation
- User responds as usual, and the conversation resumes, but the user feels unsatisfied
The solution
Using Zendesk and the WhatsApp Connector by Respira, we can achieve an efficient way of 24/7 communication by using this strategy:
- Create the templates to be used in Meta for Business
Create a trigger that will be actioned immediately after receiving a message from the customer. The trigger will:
- Send a WhatsApp notification automatically to the user saying that you cannot respond because you are not on business hours.
- Set up a tag to mark those conversations
- Create a view to show the open conversations to your agents, marked by the tag set up by the trigger above
Create a trigger that will send the "back in business hours" notification. This trigger will:
- Sends a second notification to the user saying that you are available again
- Removes the tag set up by the first trigger
- Create a macro that will enable your agents to send the notifications easily by launching the trigger above for the open conversations.
The details
Lets go through these steps in detail:
1.- Create the WhatsApp templates.
If you do not know how, you can find that information here.
2.- Create the first trigger.
Important: This trigger must notify a Webhook that connects with our server. More information about creating triggers that send WhatsApp messages here.
In your Zendesk Admin Center, search for Triggers, and click on Create.
- Conditions:
- Status less than Solved
- Channel is WhatsApp
- Ticket is NOT in Business Hours
- Does not contain tag 24_hour_notification_sent
- Actions
- Notify the Webhook that will send the notification (more information here)
- Add tag 24_hour_notification_sent
3.- Create the view to manage those open conversations. The view will have the following conditions:
- Contains tag "24_hour_notification_sent"
- Does not contain "back_in_service tag"
- Status is less than Solved
4.- Create the second trigger, with:
- Conditions:
- Status is less than Solved
- Channel is WhatsApp
- Ticket IS in Business Hours
- Contains tag "back_in_service"
- Actions
- Notify the Webhook that will send the notification (more information here)
- Removes tag "back_in_service"
- Removes tag "24_hour_notification_sent"
5.- Create the macro that:
- Adds tag "back_in_service" (so the 2nd trigger is launched)
With all this set up, you have the workflow explained above ready. Of course, you can make any tweaks you need.
If you need help setting this up, or if you want more information about the WhatsApp Connector, feel free to contact us. We will be glad to help.
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